Today I went on a walk with my girlfriend Scarlet down to the drug store to get a refill on my HRT. On this walk we saw a couple of unremarkable things that just kinda made me think, so I decided to write about them here! The first thing of note I found on my walk was this little plastic crystal purple heart. It was hidden in the grass while we were walking past some sort of industrial building. The fact that it was so small, and I looked down the exact moment to see it makes me believe it's some sort of sign. A sign of what? I don't know, but I think it's probably a good one.

The next thing we saw on our walk was this pretty tree by the parking lot of the drug store. There's not a whole lot super remarkable about it, but it just made me feel nice when I saw it, reminding me that we're in my favourite season: Fall! ^-^ Fall is my absolute favourite time of the year, with Halloween being my favourite holiday of all time. It's just such an aesthetic and spiritually powerful time of year, it just makes me happy. X3

After we finished up at the drug store we set off walking back a different way than we came. I much prefer walking this way, but we had to walk the other way to get to the drug store because they were closing soon and it was faster. We made it to the crosswalk between a big street and the smaller street we were walking home on, when I noticed this lovely piece of graffiti. I've seen this a few times before, but this time it felt a little stronger, likely because of the other heart I saw on my walk. Also, around this point we pass a wooden grave on the side of the road. Today it was knocked over! I tried desprately to put it back up, but it wouldn't stay in place, so I had to lean it on a bush. :< I wish I could have fixed it.

While walking back home we saw this weird piece of graffiti that just said "Shrek" which I found to be odd. Thinking about Shrek kinda feels really weird at this point because I associate it with the friendgroup I got groomed in. The friendgroup in question was really obsessed with shitty memes, and I joined it around 2016, which was peak Shrek memes time. It's kinda weird that something as simple as seeing the word "Shrek" can make me recall a lot of memories I really don't wanna think about right now. Bluh.

Upon approaching our apartment, Scarlet noticed that we could cut across a side alley as a shortcut onto the road that our apartment is on! It was nice going down this road because it was right beside the forest and just had a pleasant atmosphere. It's kinda crazy how I've lived here for 2 and a half years at this point and never went down this road! Right before making it to our apartment, we noticed these weird planter boxes. For whatever reason they completely block off the road and make it so you have to go around the entire fucking block if you're taking a car. Why is everything in this town so blocked off? So many ways that should be open are just completely blocked, making it so inconvinent to move around at all. I blame capitalism.

The final thing I noticed on my walk today was how fucking TALL this tree outside our apartment is! It's literally almost the same size as the big apartment beside us and I never noticed!!! It has to be old as hell, which is kinda strange considering I feel like the shitty fucking landlord would have destroyed it by now to make room for some stupid shit. Honestly good for the tree, I hope they're doing well. Well, they're probably not considering they live in the middle of a fucking city, but what can you do. But yeah. That's all the thoughts I had on my walk worth sharing. If anyone reads this, thank you a lot for listening to me. I love you. Goodnight.