"Come doll, sit on my lap." the Witch cooed.
The doll, upon hearing this, excitedly scrambled onto its Witch's lap, snuggling into Her soft embrace.
"My special one, you'd do anything to make your Witch happy, right?"

"Anything! Anything to make Miss happy!" it gleefully responded, bouncing up and down on its Witch's lap.
"My, I've made you into such a helpful little thing, haven't I?" the Witch giggled as She slipped a small pill into the doll's hand.

The doll recognized the shape almost immediately, a smile building across its sweet little face.

"Candy! Miss must be wanting to play with this one!" it thought to itself, reminiscing on all the lovely times its Miss would give it Her "special candy" that would make its head feel fluffy and warm, and its body sensitive and sluggish.

The doll didn't even need encouragement, gulping it down with fervor.
"Good doll, now come here." She said, pulling the doll's fragile form close to Her body.
Everything was going to be ok.

After a few wordless minutes clinging to its Witch's divine form, a light warmth had begun building in the doll's body. It started as a warm feeling in its toes, slowly spreading up its legs, making its joints harder and harder to move.

The doll quickly took notice and began to feel fear, but one look at its Witch's beaming face quickly melted all of its anxieties away.
"Miss always makes the right decisions!" it confidently thought to itself.
"Miss always has this one's best interest at heart!"

Before the doll had even time to realize it, the warmth had built to a blaze, burning up more and more of its thoughts as it spread throughout its fragile body.

It fell to the floor, losing more and more of its motor function as the heat consumed its body, leaving the poor thing gasping and shaking.
"M-Miss, what's happening to this one?" it stammered out.

"You're dying, little one." She responded softly.
"Oh..." the doll responded weakly, before shyly asking "What does dying mean?"
"Dying, is when something ceases to be. Something dead is something gone."

"Gone?" it asked, eyes wide and tears starting to well up. "Gone for how long?"
"Oh, sweetie, gone forever."
"Gone forever..." it echoed, struggling to hold back its tears.
"But, but where do dead things go?" it said, voice cracking.

"People go to Heaven." She said, picking up the snivelling little thing and cradling it in Her arms.
"Will... Will this one go to heaven?" its breathing quickening.
"No." She spoke coldly. "People go to heaven, dolls aren't people."

"Then where... Where do dolls go?"
"Dolls don't go anywhere, silly. They stop existing entirely." She said firmly.
As soon as those words left Her lips, the doll burst into a full sob, its mind growing more and more fuzzy with each passing second.

"Shh, shh, be still my lovely little toy." the Witch said as She pet Her trembling doll.
"I'm doing this out of love, I promise."
"R-Really?" it muttered, wet eyes gleaming up at Her.

"Absolutely my dear. You see, I don't have a use for you anymore." She spoke in Her most calm and motherly tone.
"And I wouldn't ever dream of abandoning a doll as precious as you, so instead, I decided to give you the privilege of dying." She said, drying Her dolls eyes.

"If I abandoned you, who knows how you would have ended up! The thought of a nasty, mean Witch snatching you up and doing who knows what to you is simply too much for my heart to bear!" She spoke slowly and carefully.

"Now, don't you think this is much better, my dear? You won't ever have to be alone again. You'll never have to worry again. You'll be able to make your Witch happy until the very end."
"This is all for you, my most precious doll."

The Witch gave Her doll a gentle kiss on the forehead as the doll stopped struggling completely, its mouth struggling to form a small, content smile. It attempted to force out a sound, but its Witch softly shushed it. Words were no longer needed.

Its breathing slowed to a crawl, its body completely limp. The warmth had completely overtaken it, it wasn't scared anymore.

All senses had completely faded for the little one, and as it sank into oblivion, the last thought it ever would think was its Witch's final gift, the simple words "My most precious doll."